2/7/2025 10:55:48 AM The new UK regime for public offer platforms: the FCA consults on further proposals By Claire Harrop Tom Godwin Richard Ho Christopher Bernard Jennifer McCarthy Eden Elder +3 more... Show less An important element of the UK’s new public offers and admissions to trading regime is the introduction of the public offer platform...
8/20/2024 2:44:10 PM POP’ing it like the FCA By Chris Ranson Richard Ho Tom Godwin Claire Harrop Christopher Bernard Jennifer McCarthy +3 more... Show less The FCA recently published a consultation paper (CP24/13) setting out its proposed rules for the new public offer platform (POP) regime....
7/29/2024 3:23:03 PM Data Centre Investments By Alexander Watt Pascal Cuche Nicola Franceschina José Armando Albarrán Felix Neuwirther Frédéric Elens Niko Schultz-Süchting Jan Matauschek +5 more... Show less In recent years, the global investment landscape for data centres has reached record-breaking levels, with the market being largely...
5/28/2024 8:47:57 AM Energy storage - what you need to know By Ulrich Scholz Vanessa Jakovich Andreas Ruthemeyer James Chapman Ana Lopez Daniel Schnabl Alvaro Pliego Selie Hendrik Wessling Marlin Jürgens Marie von Armansperg Alexander Monro Giorgio Candeloro +9 more... Show less Energy storage is an indispensable part of an energy system where generation and consumption are increasingly variable and security of...
5/13/2024 3:21:20 PM Unbundling – what you need to know By Ulrich Scholz Pascal Cuche Tanguy Bardet Alvaro Pliego Selie Louise Bragard Philipp Reinecke, LL.M. Julian Siegmund Gregor Von Bonin +5 more... Show less Unbundling rules in the EU may substantially shape an M&A deal in the energy sector. At a glance: Unbundling rules in Europe In the...
5/3/2024 12:05:14 PM The Digital Securities Sandbox: a new model for trading and settlement in the UK? By James Smethurst Christopher Bernard Olivia Davies On 3 April 2024, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Bank of England (BoE) published a consultation paper setting out their...
5/2/2024 2:31:47 PM Carbon Capture, Use & Storage: what you need to know By Alon Gordon Vanessa Jakovich Kate Gough Philip Morgan James Chapman Sascha Arnold +3 more... Show less Carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS) is a key technology to help achieve global net zero goals,[1] particularly for hard to abate...
5/2/2024 10:48:17 AM Mandatory Net-Zero Regimes By Vanessa Jakovich Deborah Janssens Steffie De Backer Kieran Watkins +1 more... Show less Mandatory Net-Zero Regimes Global efforts to deal with climate change have accelerated in the 30 years since the 1994 United Nations...
5/2/2024 8:35:58 AM European Electricity Market Reform By Ulrich Scholz Pascal Cuche Hendrik Wessling Philipp Reinecke, LL.M. Jean-Baptiste Santini +2 more... Show less Due to its economic characteristics - large-scale storage issues, very different cost structures between players, demand that is not very...
5/1/2024 4:04:35 PM New mobility – key issues to consider By Juliane Hilf Pascal Cuche Sascha Arnold Jonas Köster Guillemette Burgala Fedor Teselkin Sara Barin Mesut Korkmaz +5 more... Show less Mobility without CO2 emissions Reducing CO2 emissions from the transport sector is one of the key ambitions of policy makers – not just...
4/30/2024 11:19:10 AM Clean hydrogen – what you need to know By Ulrich Scholz Pascal Cuche Tanguy Bardet Andreas Ruthemeyer James Chapman Olivier Rogivue Hendrik Wessling Louise Bragard +5 more... Show less Opportunities and risks of a clean hydrogen economy Clean hydrogen and its derivatives are widely seen as key enablers for the...
8/29/2023 11:43:39 AM The Public Offer Platform By Chris Ranson Claire Harrop Richard Ho Christopher Bernard Jennifer McCarthy +2 more... Show less A new regulated activity Following on from our previous blog post, The Future of Prospectuses in the UK, the FCA has recently published...