6/16/2021 5:31:08 PM France: infrastructure investment blocked for a mere change of incentives unrelated to a lessening of competition By Jérôme Philippe Petya Katsarska Alice Cabourdin On 12 May 2021, the French competition authority (FCA) prohibited a concentration for the second time in its history, relying on an...
6/16/2021 3:46:26 PM Will it ever end... latest update on COVID-19 restrictions for UK landlords By Katharina Crinson Roger Schofield Today (16 June 2021) the UK government announced a further extension of some (but not all) of the temporary measures first introduced by...
6/16/2021 12:35:51 PM Dutch Supreme Court judgment on a change in the priority of rights of pledge By Juliette Willems Tim Elkerbout In a recent judgment, the Dutch Supreme Court (Hoge Raad) decided that the provision in the Dutch Civil Code (DCC) regarding the ability...
6/7/2021 2:09:29 PM New directors’ disqualification bill takes aim at directors of dissolved UK companies By Catherine Balmond Jamie Murray-Jones A new bill, which the UK Government introduced to Parliament on 12 May 2021, seeks to extend the existing directors’ disqualification...