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Freshfields Transactions

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FDI and investments abroad: New reporting obligations in Spain

As from 1 September 2023 new and updated reporting obligations of foreign investments in Spain and of Spanish investments abroad will come into force.

The new Royal Decree 571/2023 (RD) brings about significant changes to the scope of reportable investments to the Investment Registry of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism. These updates include revised obligations regarding real estate investments and certain equity stakes acquisitions, among others.

The RD also establishes new reporting obligations for various transactions, such us intragroup financings, certain contributions made by shareholders to the equity or reinvestments of profits in companies.

The RD also develops Spanish FDI regime containing relevant provisions impacting this regime that are explained by our colleagues in this briefing FDI - New Royal Decree developing the Spanish FDI regime 

In the following link you will find a summary of this new reporting regime.