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Freshfields Transactions

| 1 minute read

Getting The Deal Through: Merger Control – 2020 edition now out

The latest edition of Getting the Deal Through: Merger Control is now out. The ever increasing complexity of merger control enforcement and more interventionist regimes around the world means that the guide, on which Freshfields has worked in partnership with Law Business Research for 24 years, remains as popular and invaluable to businesses as ever. Our first-hand experience across many of the jurisdictions covered equips us to develop key content each year, and we are proud to be the main contributor and also to play the role of global consulting editor.

Getting The Deal Through: Merger Control 2020 covers the basic principles of merger regulation in 68 jurisdictions worldwide, with a handy timeline for each jurisdiction. There is also an opening chapter outlining the growing uncertainty facing complex international deals, with insights from colleagues in Europe, the US and Asia. We are very pleased that many national authorities have once again endorsed the accuracy of the chapter covering their jurisdiction.

To receive your copy of Getting The Deal Through: Merger Control 2020 please get in touch with your usual Freshfields contact or with Anna Vaes and specify your preference for PDF, on-line access or printed copy.


global, mergers and acquisitions, antitrust and competition